Why I’m Never Using the Word Diet Again, and You Shouldn’t Either

Diets are evil and steal our power.

As an enthusiastic proponent of the Net Fuel program, and a joyful and grateful partner with a company that makes nutritional support products, you may find that a bit odd and disingenuous of me.

But here’s the deal. I learned to stop doing diets years ago, and I want you to do the same.

I’m talking about those diets that promise you the moon if you will only restrict yourself for a certain amount of time, and then leave you no better off than before. Diets which cause you to yo-yo back and forth in your weight (because you aren’t learning better habits or developing a healthier body), and which leave the crazy self-talk between your ears, the one that causes you to starve yourself during the day and binge at night, exactly the way it was. Diets that don’t support your body and mind with LOVE.

We’ve all been there. It is easy to become obsessed with whatever the diet demands – if it’s a low-carb or keto diet (rather than actual lifestyle change), you may spend a few weeks eating bacon and cream cheese, and then wonder why you are no healthier than before. Maybe you are eating nothing but lettuce or juice for 30 days. Maybe you are drinking ketones and think you are therefore in ketosis and burning fat in a healthy manner. Maybe you are counting points but not considering the nutritional value of what you are eating.

Maybe you are weighing yourself constantly, looking at other women’s bodies on Instagram, and filling yourself with negativity and self-loathing. Maybe you are doing exercise that you hate, as a punishment for your inability to stick with terrible, unsustainable diets.

We can break this cycle. We can learn to fuel our bodies with LOVE, to fill ourselves with the nutrients we need, while gently improving our habits and seeing our cravings disappear. We can enjoy our food and our treats without overeating or hating ourselves.

We can learn to move our bodies with LOVE, to give our bodies the best of care because we deserve the best.

We are Queens, and should treat ourselves as such. We deserve LOVE.


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